
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

No Kiss?

Just recently, Goldie and Prezzo (both in big brother house) kissed in the house, and it got me wondering as to why Goldie would actually kiss cos I remember stumbling on an article where she said she doesn’t like kissing and I was like who doesn’t like the act of giving a kiss to a loved one…really?
Ok, first let me clarify, am not talking about some peck on the check or a light kiss on the lips, I mean, a typical French kiss, you know, that kind that causes a volcanic eruption in your torso and sends hungry shivers down your inner thigh.

You know, when lovers come in to see me for a piece of advice, the first question I ask out of many of the following questions are: what values do you share? How long have you been struggling? And honestly, one of the most important questions I tend to ask is, How often do you kiss? Because to any relationship guru, the answer to this question gives a lot of information about a couple’s emotional connection. Some people say from a kiss you can actually tell if a man or woman actually loves you cos kissing speaks to your soul. What is buried deeply in the heart of the one kissing you…

From a kiss you can figure if he or she is a player or he is in for real, or if he’s just using you to quench his starvation or he’s so immensely into you so much that words can’t just express how lucky he or she feels to have found you and owned you…and it’s so incredible how his soul is talking to you through  his lips and tongue.

Now picture imagine a marriage without the act of kissing, how does it work? I really don’t understand, I can’t even begin to imagine what the idea of not kissing will feel like, maybe because my partner doesn’t like it or doesn’t want to ever give it a try cos he feels like it’s disgusting having to gulp or taste someone else’s saliva.

How do you ever think of going into the future passionately intimately with the other partner without first caressing  their souls with a kiss…have you ever wondered why couple’s kiss with their eyes closed?

Anyways too much of information coming out to you tonight, so back to the question…what would you do if it happens that your spouse got up one night and says – honey, I have never really liked the act of kissing. It makes me feel like throwing up once it’s done…I can’t do it anymore to please you…I can’t pretend anymore so can’t we get it on without it? Cause I don’t want to kiss anymore ever again…? 

And to you, you have had your several shares of praises from past exs in your life on how much of an expert you are in the world of kissing…what would you do? How would you cope with the thought of not kissing your partner…and to think that cheating is certainly out of the question for you?

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