
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How to make your online profile pop

If you have been unsuccessful finding your soul mate through online dating sites, you may want to take a god look at your profile...again. Is it long and involved? Vague and uninteresting? If your are really serious about finding/meeting your ideal mate, you need to make your profile jump off the page. Here is how:

Be honest and sincere.
The  key to meeting your perfect match is being sincere about who you are. Writing the way you speak will reveal your personality and also that you are taking this dating thing seriously. Remember, your looking for someone with whom you have a lot in common with, so be sincere.

Be brief, but remarkable.
When Mr. Right  reads your profile, he's looking for comparable interests. So, why not make your writing more interesting for him by using short and witty phrases when describing your likes and dislikes, such as 'love fast cars' and 'hate bugs.'

Add a little humor.
Unless you are seeking to attract a boring and dull person, you need to constantly display your fun-loving side by saying more than 'I have a good sense of humor.'

Minimize your spelling errors.
If the online profile doesn't have a spell-check feature, write in a word processing document first or ask a friend to help you. This helps to reduce some embarrassing mistakes. Also check spelling of words like 'they're', 'there', and 'their'. You want your profile to be as perfect as a job resume.

Include several photos.
Adding up-to-date photos sends a more engaging message than snap shots from your iPhone with friends cropped out or worse, one from 10 years ago when you were 50 pounds thinner. Action pics such as hugging your pet or having fun are good, but attach at least one full length pics and one close-up.

Courtesy: Empowher

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