
Thursday, April 26, 2012


Men by nature are not very emotional creatures, but that is not to say that we don’t have highly emotional men in the world. We certainly do have them ‘emotional’ among us, but almost all ladies and even men themselves will agree that, these type of men are rear to find.

One might want to ask the reason for this, and the answer, really is not farfetched as research and statistics have proven that men by veture of their nature, are supposed to be the ‘know it all’ and we all know they derive lots of pleasure and satisfaction in playing the role of the almighty in other people’s lives.

As noted earlier, they can be highly lovable and caring creatures, even in the face of their supreme attributions, when they want to be. I have come across lots of men that are adorable; in the sense that they love and care, without fear of showing or admitting it, unlike the general believe that for a man to show or admit emotions openly, simply is a sign of weakness.

Despite the fact that some men openly express emotions, they also have certain cruel part, or should I say cruel attributes that seriously is repulsive to both the women fold and humanity. 

These cruel attributes are usually very obvious mostly in relationships…be it in a boyfriend ‘n’ girlfriend, husband ‘n’ wife, or even as simply friends, these attributes still tend to show case themselves as they can’t be helped every time MEN associate themselves with people.
Ok, enough of the talks, let’s now look at some of these much talked about ‘CRULE ATTITUDES’…

This, in my opinion, is a man’s biggest issue. Ever wondered what makes most men refuse to take little things such as, simple direction from their women, but rather prefer going around same issue time and time again, not minding how much time, effort, and fund that is being wasted in going about same issue? One amazing thing about this their EGO issue, is the fact that it rears up easily, mostly at the slightest opportunity and when it does, they forget that they are dealing with another creature, who unlike them, can be very emotional.

It’s a world known fact that men stare, especially at women’s ‘breast’. If only they know how it makes their partner feel. Most times they do, but they just don’t care provided their staring hunger is satisfied cos they don’t miss any open opportunity, even when they are ON.

They tend to clearly forget most things that are of paramount interest to their partners – things such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc, but they never get to forget the name of every football team, leagues, team players, their coaches, and even the dates they were established.

This, I must say comes from the fact, they are generally insecure (even though they all deny it). I mean, what else makes them get suddenly worked up at the mention of another man’s name? Also, have you ever wondered where they all get the insecurities from?

Women, according to their nature, are emotional and usually don’t waste time nor find it hard to show it, unlike men, who take open show of emotions as a big sign of weakness, and so pride themselves as being able to make it without showing emotions. In truth, men, I think will certainly go far…even further in life if only they can bring themselves to show it, every once in a while cos it will both improve them personally, as well as in their relationships.

Don’t get me wrong, it does feel good and nice having guys around, most especially when they help around the house. However, their attitude of ‘I can do all things’ really does more wrong than good, mostly when they back up the attitude with the display of themselves as high, exalted beings.

Men just love hanging out with the ‘coolest’ and ‘sexiest’ girls around. They love babes that understand ‘wats up’ and can easily go all the way (u kw wat I mean). Sincerely speaking, there’s nothing wrong in that, just that when it comes to meeting mom, they back out, and go searching for homely girls…kinda makes me wonder why they usually do so, cos I believe that since they loved her cool sense of dressing and care less for her hanging out attitude, why then search for homely girls when it comes to meeting mom?

It seriously can be annoying when a guy is asked to spend more time with his girl, and he comes up with a 101 excuse for not wanting to do so…but, they never seem to be too busy to have their fellow men hang out around in the backseat on a long-drive, which was planned to be a private one…

It never hurts for one to pick of her man’s spontaneous calls, cos for me, its sooooooooooooo romantic. But to have your man call you every 15minutes, trust me, can be really tiring. It makes one kinda wonder if they don’t realize that, one can easily take care of one’s self, without having to be checked upon every now and then.

Without any doubt, ladies love zest (excitement) in bed, and it’s really cruel when men expect their women to act and play the part of porn stars in bed. Don’t you think it’s better for the guy to leave her to do her thing her way, let her discover herself sexually with him, without having to play or be made to feel uncomfortable? The funny part, is that, they also get to be blamed when things don’t go right in bed…can you imagine that?


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