
Friday, April 27, 2012


Every human being on earth needs and desires to be loved, even though, most time, some people don’t really get to reciprocate the gesture (for whatever reason). Love strengthens everything and everyone…it’s something no human can afford to do without. Looking at relationships, no relationship can excel without LOVE (be it platonic or romantic), and that only helps to confirm how important this attribute is in every man’s life.

Ever wondered why you and your partner sometimes get bored in your relationship? Why things don’t get as much fun as they used to? Why you suddenly want out of that lovely relationship, simply because …? (You don’t even know why). The answer is quite simple, it just have to do with the fact that, you both need to spice things up…a bit. When I say spice things up, am not talking about going on long, expensive holidays in luxury hotels. Although this, over time has proven to be very helpful, but talking about little things that both partners can do, that will cost little, or nothing.

Take for instance the issue of GRATITUDE…I know what you might be thinking, how in this world can that do much in your relationship (considering its present state). Gratitude works very effectively in love relationships, as it is an attitude which most of us tend to overlook. Let’s try a little experiment, the both of you (you and your partner), should write down thoughtful things you did for each other; consciously or unconsciously, you will find out that the both of you will get drawn towards each other the more, you’ll discover that the both of you feel connected and happier with the relationship each time you both do sometime sweet for the other. Funny enough, this kind of strong feels you feel for each other is not something that easily fades always…it lingers on.

Constant show of gratitude certainly will not only endear your partner to you and make him/her want to please you always, but will also make people like and get drawn to you. People who openly and constantly show gratitude are mostly considered as generous and cheerful. Why don’t you try it 2day?

Also, research has shown that constant show of gratitude can really improve one’s health as it tends to make you exercise more, thereby help reduce aches and pain. It also helps make one be more optimistic about life and develop a more approach to things in general. Daily gratitude can reduce stress hormones and help make you appear younger.

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