
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Dakore Akande - "If my husband asks me to stop acting, I will"

During a recent interview with Sunday Express, nollywood actress, Dakore Akande, disclosed that she will only stop acting when her husband says so while adding that it depends on how he asks. When asked on initiall reports that her father-in-law had asked her to quit acting which was send to be the reason for her long absence from onscreen, she denied the report, stating:
"That was a lie. People just cook up stories from nowhere and some other people will just believe them. They didn't see me for a while and they started peddling rumors about me. I just had to take a break from acting. Something more important came along. I fell in love. I had to give more time to my relationship to make sure I nurtured it away from the public eyes as much as I could. I took an inadvertent break to focus on my relationship. Being a career woman is great and I was lucky to have some success at it. But at the end of the day, family and having a stable, happy home is more important to me and I knew that something would have to give in. At that time, it was my career that had to give in. Nobody told me to stop acting. Not my father-in-law, not my husband."

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