
Friday, May 11, 2012


When it come to matters concerning the bedroom, lots of energy, will, zeal, and even determination is been invested to make sure that all goes well in that department. Let’s not also forget the fact that, constant practice help to improve and spice things up.  But, be that as it may, lots of mistakes that hitch things up are being committed and unless they are being examined and well treated, the fun needed in that very department will never be gotten.
Let’s take a look at certain bedroom common mistakes made by women in the bedroom and best possible ways of evading them.

Lack of Sexual Communication      
This in my opinion is the greatest problem faced by most couples and it’s usually a fault on the part of most women. Women, it’s high time we bring yourselves to feel free to discuss sex matters with our men.  Lack of this sort of communication hinders a lot of satisfaction which ought to be given and received. Look at it this way, if you don’t communicate to your partner what exactly brings us pleasure or what part of the you want to be touched, he might never get to know, and you in turn, never gets to have the satisfaction you desire.

Not Initiating Sex
Why bottle up that feeling? Believe me, this is a big turn off on our part towards our partners. Men generally can be crazy and highly adventurous and having the women coming on to them for sex is a BIG turn on…even when they are not in the mood. Also, not initiating sex on the part of the woman, tend to make the man feel the woman has no desire for him…sexually. It’s time to stand up and go for what you need and don’t wait for it to come to you!

Worrying about your looks
Some women do worry a lot about their looks that it makes them lose all form of interest in sex. That’s so bad, but worse is when a women suddenly starts worrying about her looks right in the middle of the act. This is so bad because intentionally or not, you find out that you’re not into the process and without wanting to, you bring your partner misery instead of pleasure. Also, worrying about your looks during sex hinders you from having fun and ruins your chances of achieving orgasm.

Lack of sexual energy
Once a woman fails to show considerable energy during sex, men generally view that as lack of interest or not wanting to have sex.

Being too critical of him
Nagging and criticism is one a major bad habit associated with women and trust me, no one wants to be nagged at. Being too critical of your partner, make him withdraw from being romantic and also reduces his desire of intimacy.

Stopping sex because of parenthood
 Most women, once they give birth, they automatically close all avenue for sex, thereby depriving both themselves and their partners sex. Childbearing shouldn’t be an excuse not to have sex with your partner; rather, I will advice that as much effort invested in taking care of your baby should also be applied in your sex life with your partner.

Believing he’s always up for sex
Hard as it might sound, men are not always up for sex as most women think. There are some specific point in a man’s day when sex is kinda far from his thought- times like when he’s faced with lots of financial issues to deal with and also when he’s so stressed about work. This is due to the fact that stress often leads to shutdown of desire.

Making him responsible for your orgasm
Every caring man definitely want to bring his partner to climax, but that’s not to mean that once you know your partner’s caring, you then leave the responsibility of your satisfaction solely to him. Women must note that her man can’t achieve such task alone. He needs you to give specific instructions/directions - What’s to be done, Where as well as How you want it done.

Getting upset when he suggests something new
Adventure works magic all the time! Wonder why some women take offense any time their men suggests they add something new to their bedroom voyage. This shouldn’t be so, rather you should be willing to always try new things yourself…you never know, you might get to be the sole beneficiary of that stunt!!!

Judging his porn pleasuring
It’s only natural for women to judge the fact that porn brings her man pleasure. The issue can’t be solved with your feeling of displeasure, rather improve yourself to be able to replace the place of porn in his life, otherwise, don’t give him guilty stimulation for it. Women, instead of see it as a threat, see it as some sort of enchantment to help spice things up the more.

Being too gentle with his manhood
It’s always advisable for every woman to know how her man wants his manhood handled. This is because of the fact that some men prefer firmer touch in that area, than when handled otherwise.

Not going down
Hmmmm! It’s a simple thing, if your man loves and wants you to fellate him, you should because if you don’t, there’s a good chance of it causing aggravation. This shouldn’t be something to fight over, rather, it’s something you both need to sit and talk about. But believe me, it's much fun than it appears to be!   

1 comment:

  1. I quit agree, bt i feel dat not all d problems emernate from d women alone...sometimes, the men are at fault!


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