
Friday, May 4, 2012


Summer 2012 is fast approaching, and as we know, it comes with lots of changes in the world of professional wrestling. Some superstars will experience phenomenal raise, while others will fall. Wrestling fans all over the world always love to see their favorite superstars given the opportunity to either rise of fall, depending on what they fell each of these superstars deserve.

 As we approach this year’s summer, it must be noted that there are several superstars who have made their mark in times past, but they currently seem to be misused. Enough of the much talk!!! I think it’s time we take a look at the top 10 superstars that seem to be highly misused at the moment.

10. Diva’s Division:

You will all agree with me that the female category in wrestling is not as tough and interesting as that of their male counterpart which we all know is really tight, feisty and competitive, making fans all over stay glued to their television sets. Their bouts don’t usually last more than five (5) min, unlike that of the male division that at times runs for as long as fifteen (15) min. I believe these women should be given more time to showcase their talents as well as what they have to offer their fans and I also believe that if they are given more time to do their thing, they won’t usually get to feel/act unwanted like Gail Kim who left after openly stating that the company wasn’t making use of her properly.

9. Miz:

A lot of people will boldly tell you that this former Champ rightfully deserves to be and possibly remain on top, and I concur with that notion. Miz is one of the very few superstars that has really proven himself fit for the spotlight even in the face of much hatred and ignominy from the fans and he is one person I strongly feel could get back on top before long; but  it’s just unfortunate that at this point in time, he’s been sidelined so much that he doesn’t make appearance on either Monday Night Raw or Smackdown, and even when he does make an appearance, he only get to be in bouts with the likes of Santino. Don’t get me wrong about he’s going here…but it’s just that for a superstar of his status (former WWE champion) and going up against Cena and Rock at last year’s wrestlmania, I feel he should be up there with tougher superstars like himself. For now, he is largely fallen, but brace yourselves because, he just might rise fast, pretty soon.

8. Drew McIntyre:

Stop! Let’s take a proper look at this superstar – 6’5 and 255 pounds. OMG! This is nothing less than the perfect body expected of any top superstar. Made his entry into the business with so much aggression that with little time, he captured the Intercontinental Championship and was tagged/called the ‘Chosen One.’ With that name tag, a lot of people thought that this former Champ was indeed going to stay long and hard at the top, but surprisingly enough, he is nowhere to be found today. His case is so bad that each week, he has been put in matches to determine if he was going to lose his job, and most of the time, he lost those matches that one now get confused as to if he’s still a part of the company or if he’s been released. The organization should wake up and do something, they need to transform him, like fix him against one of the fans’ big favorite, because at the moment, it seems they are simply wasting this guy’s ability and intimidating physique.

7. Motor City Machine Guns:

Made up of Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin, these two epitomes of what a tag team must look like, but due to lack of storylines and lots of injuries, these two seem to have been forgotten in the pool of TNA talents. They formerly used to be the Tag team champions and center of attention in the tag team division, but are currently been replaced by the likes of Samoa Joe and Magnus. I think that either WWE or TNA provides these guys with something tangible for the both of them. They have successfully shown strong energy and chemistry that exist between friends. Seriously speaking, these guys needs to be given a spot on television, they need to get back into action as they’ve been missed by fans.

6. Jack Swagger:

 The All-American American happened to be former Heavyweight Champion for a very short time after he cashed in his money in the back brief case. This Superstar has great timing and is technically excellent. Despite all this, Swagger has not seen main events and that kind of makes me wonder why? One could call him a better replica of Kurt Angle in the sense that they both inject a bit of armateur form of wrestling in their in-ring performance. Currently, all we see him do is get fixed in tag team matches or go up against the likes of Hornswoggle. I mean, Come on! This guy is more talented than that.

5. Tyson Kidd:

This superstar’s case looks like the case of clear talent wastage. Kidd has made his mark ever since he went solo from his former tag team partner from the days of Hart Dynasty - David Hart. Ever since then, where we get to see him is on WWE Superstars, NXT, or at most, we see him with new comers, which in my own opinion is not meant to be so. He deserves a push to limelight and not left with rookies that are just coming into the business.

4. Kofi Kingston:

Making this single champ one half of the tag team, in my own opinion does not hold much words as  I fear that he might just get stuck in the class of former WWE superstar – Shelton Benjamin’s category before he left the company. Like most fans’ favorite, Kofi needs to turn heel for us to know how far he can get in the business, and besides, I think people are getting tired of what they get to see Kofi do in recent times because it now seems like same of same.

3. Cody Rhodes:

Former member of Randy Orton’s Legacy, Cody rose to stardom quit quikly unlike his other colleague Ted DiBiase Jrn who, since the breakup of the group is yet to find his feet. Cody has risen sharply and fast too, he is currently the Intercontinental Champion, a title he acquired for himself having defeated the former title holder and clinching to the title for a record of 233 days, before he lost it to Big Show at Wrestlmania and got the same title back from Show at Extreme Rules. He has proven without any iota of doubt that he has the potential of a title champion. Not just any Champ, but one who can comfortably defend the title at all cost.

2. AJ Styles:

This young champ has always been there in TNA and has gotten better with the years. He has this great ability of faring well both as a heel and as the fans favorite. Personally, I think the problem in AJ’s case is not the superstar himself  per say, but with the organization, because, TNA is well known for their ability to create more storylines for their major talents, while leaving the upcoming talents with little or not so good lines that will enable them make their mark. Another major problem is the fact that TNA as a company, usually go for champs (like RVD, MVP, Jeff Hardy, Sting, etc) that have already made their mark in WWE or any other wrestling body, but they fail to acknowledge the fact that, these guys can’t get bigger than they’ve already been. Having been with the company for so long, he is someone that the organization can rely on as it looks forward to moving to the next level. So I believe that TNA as a company should wake up and do things right with this former champ.   

1. Dolph Ziggler:

This is one guy that has built something remarkable for himself ever since he got into the business. He has grown to be seen and known as a highly cocky and tricky in the ring and I must say that those attributes has been and still is of immense help to him both inside and outside the ring. He has been Intercontinental Champion, United State Champion, and has competed severally for the various World Championships. Also, last year (2011) when he was more properly used, we saw him compete in many great matches on Raw with the likes of Randy Orton and Cm Punk. Presently, we get to see him less than 5min bouts with the likes of Great Khali. No doubt, this guy is good in the sense that he has a kind of vibe/heat which he brings to the ring and believe me, he’s someone the fans love to see week in week out. In my opinion, Dolph is the most unused talent in Professional Wrestling…at least, at this very moment.

Feel free to drop your opinion…

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