It's good Friday! A day set aside to remember the death of our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ. On this special day, I pray that whatever that seems to be a problem in your lives be put to death...and never to raise again and may the glory of our Lord, be with us all both now and always...AMEN!
Quick question: Do you think not eating meat on good Friday is necessary?
It may not b necessary for some pipo, but d pipo dat does it sms it as a very necessary tin to do and for d fact drz notn sinful about it, I see it as necessary as d doers of it sees it, all is about sacrifice, gvn up d tin sms sweetest amoung pipo just to say thank You to d Man of d cross who gvs His life as a ransom for many. Pipo can fast wt manytin, but d church pk one common tin and very easytin to do to ensure dat itz members no matter how weak gvs smtin as an appreciatn for life dat Jesus gv us.