
Friday, December 14, 2012

I forgive, but should I forget?

Most christian out there most be familiar with the popular part  of our the Lord’s prayer: ‘forgive us our trespasses…as we forgive those who trespass against us,’ but my question (which I have always pondered on) easy is it for one to actually forgive when faced with certain grievous issue and again, if one actually gets to forgive, forgetting can be another matter entirely. Don't get me wrong, am not saying one shouldn't forgive and just saying that there comes a time when those words are easier said than done.

Take for instance the hurt from a loved and trusted friend can be so hard to let go of, I can't even begin to imagine what the pain and feeling of betrayal will feel sure those of you in relationships can attest to this. For better understanding, let me share a recent (true life) story with you:

Thelma happened to be my childhood friend. We grew up together, went to same primary and partly secondary school (partly cos I didn't finish there as I left when we were in SS1), but we've always kept communication. Long and short, Thelma got married three (3) years back and has since been waiting on the lord for the fruit of the womb. However, as with most homes in traditional African society, Angela has borne the brunt of the in-laws anger. In truth, both husband and wife share a dose of the blame. The husband has a low sperm count and the wife has fibroid.

Just recently, a lady surfaced from nowhere claiming to be 3 months pregnant  for my friend's hubby. The interesting aspect of the story is the fact that, my friend's hubby is neither denying knowing the lady nor being responsible for the pregnancy. This goes to prove that while my dear friend was busy on her knees in prayer, asking for God in his infinite mercies to remember them and intervene in their matter; her husband, who is supposed to be the rock beside her in times like this (after all, they vowed for better for worse at the alter) was busy knacking another lady.

As true and hurtful as this story is, my dear friend is left with just one thing to do...forgive her husband of what has been done, forget it and move on with her life..alongside her hubby and the baby when it finally arrives. I try so hard to picture myself in her shoes, facing what she's currently facing, but the truth is that, I still can't put nor find myself in such situation and I honestly can't say what I will do or not do. But guys a quick question - imagine your in this my friend's shoe and your asked to forgive, forget and continue with the man and a child (who is not yours), what will you do...I mean TRUTHFULLY???

I do not know who has hurt you. I do not know who is weighing you down. I do not know who is stopping you from reaching your goal. But one thing I do know is that, you MUST forgive and then forget if you are to reach the top of that mountain. And our journey through life is a mountain, the farther we travel, the steeper it becomes. You do not need any extra bagagge. Let go of the weight and lose it out of your mind and you will get to the top.

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